Criminal Lawyer in Surrey

When an individual is charged with an offence, this is only the beginning. It is highly recommended that you seek legal counsel after being charged with an offence because this can have significant consequences on your personal and/or professional life. For example, if you are a non-citizen in Canada and you are charged with a serious offence, you may be inadmissible and can be deported.

If you are a citizen, being charged with an offence may have a negative impact on your future employment prospects or restrict international travel. If you are charged with an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada or any other law in Canada, or if you are being investigated for a crime, Allied Law can represent you at any stage of the proceedings, including at:

  • First Appearances
  • Arraignment Hearings
  • Bail Hearings
  • Sentencing Hearings
  • Trials
  • Appeals
Typically, we can represent individuals who are charged with offences ranging from: Driving while prohibited, Assault, Murder, Terrorism, Theft, Fraud, Dangerous Driving, uttering threats, robbery and firearm charges. Please Contact Allied Law to discuss your legal options.

What A Brilliant Surrey Criminal Lawyer Brings To The Plate

A criminal law attorney specializes in how the legal system works. When someone is convicted of a crime, they undergo an emotional change. Criminal Lawyers not only help their clients cope with those issues but also provide their expertise in dealing with the opposing counsel, negotiating any possible deals and getting information while explaining things each step of the way.

Areas Of Practice

Allied Law

Breath & Blood Tests

If you are facing DUI charges, then this information pertains to you! Learn more about the legal procedures concerning breath and blood tests and how you can challenge the results. Several factors can lead to invalid BAC readings. So contact an attorney as soon as possible and fight your test results.

Allied Law

Domestic Violence

Sometimes arguments among spouses, couples, or other family members escalate into violence and the police may be called. Charges of domestic violence can result in severe consequences, such as restraining orders that keep you away from your kids or even jail time. It is imperative to retain effective legal counsel to protect your rights and ensure your side of the story is heard.

Allied Law

Drug Crimes

British Columbia lawmakers have passed statutes that allow for heavy penalties in drug crime cases. If you are facing charges of possession, transportation, distribution, manufacturing, or are accused of illegal activities involving anabolic steroids or are facing charges involving a federal drug crime, you need to act quickly.

Allied Law


When facing charges of alcohol or drug intoxication, you must act quickly. These cases can move through the system rapidly, and an attorney can seek to have your charges lessened or dropped completely to help guard your freedom and ability to drive. We provide defence counsel in a wide range of DUI charges, including vehicular manslaughter, as well as addressing issues regarding license suspension.

Allied Law

Hate Crimes

Arrest for an alleged hate crime can occur after a physical or verbal assault, vandalism, or any other offence that is directed at another person because of a specific personal quality, such as race, gender, or ethnicity. The penalties for this crime can be very harsh and could affect your career and freedom if convicted.

Allied Law


Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of another person, done either through recklessness or negligence or as the result of provocation of some kind. This crime can result in decades of imprisonment, which is why you need powerful representation to fight these charges and protect your freedom.

Allied Law


When a person is unlawfully killed through malice and without provocation, the offender is charged with murder. This crime is the most serious that can be committed in Surrey, British Columbia, but a powerful defence lawyer can protect your rights and seek to have your charges reduced.

Allied Law

Probation Violation

After serving time behind bars, you are then released on probation and allowed to live out the remainder of your sentence as a community member. This privilege, however, can be taken away if you violate any of the terms of your probation. If you have been found in violation of your probation, we urge you to consult with a Surrey Criminal Defence Attorney immediately.

Allied Law

Sex Crimes

There is an extreme danger to any person accused of committing a sex crime. Suppose you or a loved one has been accused of committing rape, charged with sex with a minor, or sexual assault. In that case, solicitation, molestation, or an internet sex crime, the penalties imposed in a conviction are extremely harsh, including the requirement to be registered as a sex offender.

Allied Law

Theft Crimes

There is a range of theft crimes with varying penalties. Whether you are facing misdemeanour shoplifting charges or are accused of burglary, robbery, grand theft auto, or other theft crime, the quality and experience of your Surrey Criminal Lawyer is the most significant factor in the final outcome of the case.

Allied Law

Traffic Offenses

Criminal traffic offences such as cases of reckless driving, vehicular manslaughter, racing or others can have permanent damage to your future should you be convicted. Cases involving an injury or accident include heavy penalties in a conviction.

Allied Law

Violent Crimes

The penalties imposed for violent crimes are exceptionally harsh, and it is imperative that you do all you can to fight back and gain any possible advantage. These charges can be made against someone who uses or threatens physical force against another. With the aggressive representation of a skilled attorney, you may be able to have your charges reduced or dropped.

Allied Law

Weapon Charges

You could be charged with a weapons offence in a variety of situations, including using a weapon, illegally selling or transporting weapons, or even pointing or aiming a weapon at another person. The potential penalties are strict, so it is essential to enlist knowledgeable representation to protect your rights.

Allied Law

White Collar Crimes

Financial crimes are often termed “white collar crimes,” and charges are often filed in federal court. Any criminal accusations involving financial crimes, including embezzlement, extortion, RICO crimes, racketeering, conspiracy, identification fraud, mortgage fraud, money laundering or others, must be addressed by a qualified legal professional with extensive experience in both provincial and federal court.


No matter what charge you face, we are here to help. At Allied Law, we have a great depth of experience and insight into every aspect of the criminal justice system. We offer personal legal counsel that is focused on identifying the best course of action that would most benefit our clients.

Every case is unique and deserves to be reviewed by our legal team. There could be errors, flaws and failures by law enforcement, investigators, labs, false reports from witnesses or a wide variety of issues that could be very productive for the defence.

We know how to analyze a case and develop an effective response that can make room for reasonable doubt. If you are facing criminal charges of any nature, we urge you to contact a Surrey Criminal Defense Lawyer as soon as possible.


Affan Bajwa

Criminal Defence Lawyer in Surrey




Contact Allied Law Today

During these often scary and overwhelming times, we’re here to help. We know that facing criminal charges is probably the most frightening and uncertain situation you have ever been put through, but you don’t have to face these charges alone. We have the experience and expertise you need to navigate through a criminal defence case successfully!

We believe every person is innocent until proven guilty, and we will fight hard to uphold your integrity and dismiss or reduce your charges.

What are you waiting for? Fight back now by giving us a call today! We provide quality legal representation, and when you face criminal charges, you don’t want to gamble with your future. Take aggressive actions today to protect your happiness and livelihood!

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Call Allied Law to book your free 30-minute
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